Class ServerSideException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ServerSideException
    extends GeneralException
    An exception that wraps a server-side exception. OAuth 1.0a, for example will intercept every response from the server and throw an exception if there is anything other than a status of 200. Therefore, catch such exceptions and throw this in their stead. it is too easy to lose information the way OAuth does it as every exception is an OAuthProblemException.

    A Note on server side exceptions propagated to the client

    OAuth 1.0a does support returning some information about server side exceptions. Generally, OA4MP should not do this unless specifically requested to do so by the client. The reason for this is that while a mechanism is given by OAuth, the details (as expected) are lacking. In this case, if a client sets the request parameter "oa4mp_debug=true" in the initial call, then IF there is an exception on the server side the result will be unpacked as follows:
    • A local ServerSideException will be thrown.
    • If the server supports it, a redirect to a server-side error page may be supplied in the redirect property
    • The server may return any number of key value pairs. Only one of these is guaranteed to exist, the stack trace. This is returned as a string.
    It is wholly up to the client on what to do at this point. Note that even if requested, this mechanism will only work if there is an actual exception on the server, otherwise nothing will be returned to the client. The intent is to give developers who encounter a throny problem a way to communicate more effectively with the OA4MP development staff, so this feature is of limited interest, at best.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 9/4/12 at 7:16 PM

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerSideException

        public ServerSideException()
      • ServerSideException

        public ServerSideException​(Throwable cause)
      • ServerSideException

        public ServerSideException​(String message)
      • ServerSideException

        public ServerSideException​(String message,
                                   Throwable cause)
    • Method Detail

      • getRedirect

        public URI getRedirect()
      • setRedirect

        public void setRedirect​(URI redirect)
      • getQueryParameters

        public Map<String,​String> getQueryParameters()
        If there is a redirect, any parameters passes as part of it will be parsed and put in this map as key value pairs. This should let clients print out any other information they may want/need about the error.
      • setQueryParameters

        public void setQueryParameters​(Map<String,​String> queryParameters)
      • isTrivial

        public boolean isTrivial()