Class ArgMap

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Map

    public class ArgMap
    extends HashMap
    A map of the arguments to the installer. It eats the command line string and

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 6/14/24 at 10:22 AM

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArgMap

        public ArgMap​(String[] args)
      • ArgMap

        public ArgMap​(String[] args,
                      List<String> allOperations)
        Constructor if you want to add your own operations. Remember that the list of all operations is checked so if the user passes an unkown one, an exception is raised.
        args -
        allOperations -
    • Method Detail

      • setupArgMap

        protected void setupArgMap​(String[] args,
                                   List<String> allOps)
      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
      • is

        public Boolean is​(String key)
        Checks that the key is a boolean
        key -
      • getRootDir

        public File getRootDir()
      • isInstall

        public boolean isInstall()
      • isRemove

        public boolean isRemove()
      • isUpgrade

        public boolean isUpgrade()
      • isShowHelp

        public boolean isShowHelp()
      • isList

        public boolean isList()
      • isVersions

        public boolean isVersions()
      • hasRootDir

        public boolean hasRootDir()
      • getOperation

        public String getOperation()
      • isAll

        public boolean isAll()
      • isPacerOn

        public boolean isPacerOn()
      • isLoggingEnabled

        public boolean isLoggingEnabled()
      • logFile

        public File logFile()
      • isShowReleaseNotes

        public boolean isShowReleaseNotes()