Class UpkeepConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • UpkeepConfiguration

        public UpkeepConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • isDebug

        public boolean isDebug()
      • setDebug

        public void setDebug​(boolean debug)
      • isSkipVersions

        public Boolean isSkipVersions()
      • setSkipVersions

        public void setSkipVersions​(Boolean skipVersions)
      • hasSkipVersion

        public boolean hasSkipVersion()
      • isTestOnly

        public boolean isTestOnly()
      • setTestOnly

        public void setTestOnly​(boolean testOnly)
      • hasAlarms

        public boolean hasAlarms()
      • getInterval

        public long getInterval()
      • setInterval

        public void setInterval​(long interval)
      • hasInterval

        public boolean hasInterval()
      • getRunCount

        public int getRunCount()
      • setRunCount

        public void setRunCount​(int runCount)
      • isVerbose

        public boolean isVerbose()
      • setVerbose

        public void setVerbose​(boolean verbose)
      • getOutput

        public String getOutput()
      • setOutput

        public void setOutput​(String output)
      • hasOutput

        public boolean hasOutput()
      • add

        public void add​(RuleList ruleList)
        Add to both the list of rules and the internal map so it may be retrieved by name.
        ruleList -
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean prettyPrint)
      • ppRulesMap

        protected String ppRulesMap​(int indent)
        Pretty print the rules map. First entry is not indented, but the rest are.