Class UpkeepResponse

  • public class UpkeepResponse
    extends Object

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 2/14/24 at 11:19 AM

    • Field Detail

      • attempted

        public int attempted
        Total number of deletions attempted
      • deleteCount

        public int deleteCount
      • deletedList

        public List<String> deletedList
        The identifiers (as strings) to remove.
      • archiveCount

        public int archiveCount
        The identifiers (as strings) to archive
      • retainedCount

        public int retainedCount
        The number skipped, i.e., that had retain = true.
      • testedCount

        public int testedCount
      • testModeOnly

        public boolean testModeOnly
      • skipped

        public int skipped
        Would have been deleted normally, but some other rule said to retain.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpkeepResponse

        public UpkeepResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getCollateralMap

        public Map<String,​Long> getCollateralMap()
      • setCollateralMap

        public void setCollateralMap​(Map<String,​Long> collateralMap)
      • report

        public String report​(boolean prettyPrint)
      • formatCollaterals

        protected String formatCollaterals​(boolean prettyPrint,
                                           int width)
        Format the contents of the collateral map. This offsets each entry for proper display within the margins.
        prettyPrint -
        width -
      • toJSON

        public net.sf.json.JSONObject toJSON()