Class MariaDBConnectionPool

  • public class MariaDBConnectionPool
    extends ConnectionPool
    Original readme: A specific pool for working with MariaDB. Since MySQL can accumulate stale connections and MariaDB is based on MySQL (and not all database drivers implement an isValid method) specific machinery for testing for stale connections is included. Instantiate this as your pool when you are talking to a MariaDB database.

    This is now almost deprecated. improvements to the JDBC driver now do allow for testing against valid connections properly so the machinery that was here is no longer needed. This will be kept for a bit longer though will probably just be removed at some point.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on Jun 21, 2011 at 3:18:31 PM

    • Constructor Detail

      • MariaDBConnectionPool

        public MariaDBConnectionPool​(SQLConnectionImpl connectionParameters)