Interface Commands

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CommonCommands, ConfigurableCommandsImpl, ParserCommands, SASCommands, StoreCommands

    public interface Commands
    extends Logable
    All sets of commands implement this interface. Each command you want to have found in the interface should fulfill the following contract;
    • signature requirement: public void name(InputLine
    • help requirement a protected method, suggested name is "showXHelp" where "X" is the name of the method above
    This means that if a user asks for help, the methods with the right signature will be displayed by the driver. All you need to do is implement the functionality. The method is called by reflection on the name and is passed whatever arguments are supplied by the user, parsed into a InputLine.

    There is no limit to the number or type of command that you may have here.

    Creation date: (10/11/02 8:26:14 pm)
    Jeff Gaynor
    • Method Detail

      • getPrompt

        String getPrompt()
        The prompt displayed to the user. This allows it to change based on context.
      • setIOInterface

        void setIOInterface​(IOInterface io)