Class FormatUtil

  • public class FormatUtil
    extends Object

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 1/25/21 at 5:32 PM

    • Constructor Detail

      • FormatUtil

        public FormatUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getIoInterface

        public static IOInterface getIoInterface()
      • setIoInterface

        public static void setIoInterface​(IOInterface ioInterface)
        Allows to set the format utility to use the IOInterface. This is pretty specialized, but it can be done.
        ioInterface -
      • say

        public static void say​(String x)
      • printFormatListHelp

        public static void printFormatListHelp​(IOInterface io,
                                               InputLine inputLine)
      • formatList

        public static void formatList​(InputLine inputLine,
                                      List<String> listOf)
        This allows for setting the formatting
        inputLine -
        listOf -