Class MarkdownConverter

  • public class MarkdownConverter
    extends Object
    A command line tool that will take a help file and turn it into a Github style markdown document. This is very simple minded. Very! The interactive help is definitive, not the markdown.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 2/9/23 at 4:56 PM

    • Field Detail


        public static String INPUT_SWITCH

        public static String RESOURCE_SWITCH

        public static String OUTPUT_SWITCH

        public static String VERBOSE_SWITCH
      • RC_OK

        public static int RC_OK
      • RC_FAIL

        public static int RC_FAIL
      • RC_HELP

        public static int RC_HELP

        public static String MD_LINE_BREAK
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarkdownConverter

        public MarkdownConverter​(InputLine inputLine)
      • MarkdownConverter

        public MarkdownConverter()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected int init​(InputLine inputLine)
      • isSysOut

        public boolean isSysOut()
      • setSysOut

        public void setSysOut​(boolean sysOut)
      • setOutput

        public void setOutput​(PrintStream output)
      • say

        protected void say()
        Prints a blank line
      • say

        protected void say​(String x)
      • showHelp

        protected void showHelp()
      • getHelpUtil

        public HelpUtil getHelpUtil()
      • setHelpUtil

        public void setHelpUtil​(HelpUtil helpUtil)
      • convert

        protected void convert()