Class SSLKeystoreConfiguration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class SSLKeystoreConfiguration
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    A bean that holds the configuration for an keystore. If you have a custom keystore, this will point to it. This is needed, e.g., by MyTrustManager

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on Jun 27, 2010 at 11:29:15 AM

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final String JAVA_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PATH
        This path is actually part of the java specification.

        public static final String JAVA_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
        The default as shipped with Java. If you change the keystore, you should change the password and set it in the configuration.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String JAVA_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE
        The default type for the built in java keystore. "jks"
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SSLKeystoreConfiguration

        public SSLKeystoreConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • isUseDefaultJavaTrustStore

        public boolean isUseDefaultJavaTrustStore()
      • setUseDefaultJavaTrustStore

        public void setUseDefaultJavaTrustStore​(boolean useDefaultJavaKeyStore)
      • setKeyManagerFactory

        public void setKeyManagerFactory​(String keyManagerFactory)
      • setKeystorePassword

        public void setKeystorePassword​(String keystorePassword)
      • setKeystoreType

        public void setKeystoreType​(String keystoreType)
      • getKeystorePassword

        public String getKeystorePassword()
      • getKeystoreType

        public String getKeystoreType()
      • getKeystorePasswordChars

        public char[] getKeystorePasswordChars()
        Get the password to the keystore as a character array
      • setKeystore

        public void setKeystore​(String keystore)
      • getKeystore

        public String getKeystore()
      • getKeystoreBytes

        public byte[] getKeystoreBytes()
      • setKeystoreBytes

        public void setKeystoreBytes​(byte[] keystoreBytes)
      • getKeyManagerFactory

        public String getKeyManagerFactory()
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)