Help can be added quite simply. If you create a help file (very simple XML) and register it with your CLI, you can supply your users with online help and examples. Here is the DTD for the help file:
<!DOCTYPE help [ <!ELEMENT help (entry)*> <!ELEMENT entry (body|example)*> <!ATTLIST entry alt CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT body (example|entry)*> <!ELEMENT example (#PCDATA)> ]>
If you add a help entry, you set the id (this is the user enters to see the entry) and a main entry. If you add an example element, the user will be able to display examples. Sample help document:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <help> <entry id="abs"> <body> <![CDATA[abs(arg) - find the absolute value of a number or stem.]]> </body> <example> <![CDATA[abs(-2) yields 2.]]> </example> </entry> </help>
You may have as many help entries as you like. Examples are optional.
Since there is built in help, you just need to
public void bootstrap() throws Throwable { super.bootstrap(); getHelpUtil().load("/my-help.xml"); }
The net result is that your help is not available with the /help command. Note that if you make the id of the help more than one word, users will have to put quotes around it to find it.