Interface MonitoredStoreInterface<V extends Identifiable>

    • Method Detail

      • getUuid

        UUID getUuid()
      • lastAccessUpdate

        void lastAccessUpdate​(IDMap idMap)
      • isMonitorEnabled

        boolean isMonitorEnabled()
        Generally this is enabled, except in things like the CLI where you do not want to monitor access to clients or whatever.
      • setMonitorEnabled

        void setMonitorEnabled​(boolean x)
      • setUpkeepConfiguration

        void setUpkeepConfiguration​(UpkeepConfiguration upkeepConfiguration)
      • hasUpkeepConfiguration

        boolean hasUpkeepConfiguration()
      • doUpkeep

        UpkeepResponse doUpkeep​(AbstractEnvironment environment)
        Do the upkeep. Note that some stores may have to update other stores. The environment allows for this. E.g. Deleting a client should delete its approval record and remove any permissions associated with it.
        environment -